Meet Dr Ron Tomlins!


Introducing our newest member... Dr Ron Tomlins joins the CMx team as a clinical adviser. He has 40 years experience in General Practice, the last 23 years at Castle Hill Medical Centre in NSW. His focus has been on long-term conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. He believes passionately that IT solutions such as Clinimetrix can help GPs deliver better health outcomes for their patients and enhance sustainability for practices. 

Ron is a past president of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) ( and was a Board member for 14 years from the inception of the IPCRG in 2002. From 2000 until 2005, Ron was chair of the National Asthma Council (NACA)  ( 

As well as active clinical practice, Ron has been closely associated with Australian initiatives for the delivery of preventive and quality health care through his involvement with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) including a number of years as the chair of the RACGP National Standing Committee on Quality Care. He was also the chair of the General Practice Computing Group (GPCG). 

Ron was Adjunct Associate Professor in the Discipline of General Practice, University of Sydney from 2004 to 2020.

Welcome to the team, Ron!


A message from our CEO: Ian Lowe


We've made some serious upgrades to Clinimetrix!